Cooking |
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted, hasn’t it? Let’s see….yesterday I got up and ran with Dave. It was quite nice but I am very out of shape. Then, after breakfast, a bunch of us went to this women’s group outside of Tarangire Park to buy some beaded items. We had gone to interview some of the ladies there the day before and had decided to return with money. I bought a beaded Christmas ornament a necklace. They also had bracelets, earrings, and traditional Maasai beads. We spent a while there and then walked back to camp. It was a VERY long walk, probably about 4 miles, and I was exhausted when we finally got to camp. Today, the back of my neck is so sunburned! I read for a while and then helped a little with lunch – calzones, pasta, vegetables, and cabbage. Yesterday the crew went to Arusha on a supply run so now we have fresh new food! After lunch I hung out around camp, made a friendship bracelet, and worked on registering for classes. In the evening Liz and I got a ride into town to buy some juice and then walked back to camp. I helped make dinner in the evening: potatoes, beef, vegetables, and plantain stew. I’ve gotten quite close with the cooking staff, and working in the kitchen is a nice way to kill some time. Then, it was off to bed. I didn’t sleep much, although I’m not quite sure why. I was so tired, but just couldn’t get myself to fall asleep. Today, a handful of the kids are going to Arusha as usual. They want to try out a new Pizza place in town. And rumor has it that there will be another dance party tonight. Hopefully I get some rest before tonight. Today is going to be kind of lazy, I think, but it’s always good to have a lazy day once in a while. Have a wonderful day and happy daylight’s saving time!Erin
Swahili Word of the Day: Mpisha [mmm-PEE-shah] = cook/chef
Dance Party!!! Ahhh it is just like Olaf! I bet it is just the same as the Pause huh? lol. It sounds like you have been so busy. No wonder you are tired. Thanks so much for the postcard!!! It absolutely made my day...I can't believe that you have been gone already for three months. I can't wait til you are back to hear all your stories. Miss you! Sending lots of love from Olaf.